When everything matters...

This page is all about everything that matter and everything that doesn’t at the same time. It is all about what happens around us and to us, it is what we hear, say, see and do. This page is not designed to judge or cause emotional harm to others, but it is to question why!

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Best Novelty Cakes Ever!

Two of my most closest and treasured friends mum has baked me a Novelty Cake for my up and coming birthday. If you have logged on to A World Call Catastrophe you may spot a picture of me holding a spout from a Tea Pot cake, this was made my Rhub and Neths mum. The spout looks like a, well a small winky.

The cake was made for Neth’s daughters birthday party, you may ask why is the Neth’s mum making phallic novelty cakes for her granddaughter, who cares! All I did was ask her to make me one and she did! Pictures will be posted on to my page soon. The cake is a lighthouse and it looks really good, I only wished my late grandmother, made me birthday cakes like that when I was young. Though my mum has made some nice cakes for my birthday, but alas not as funny as Neth and Rhub’s mum’s cakes, she is a true geniuses at making novelty birthday cakes. A big thank you Neth & Rhub’s mum. xxxxx


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